Welco­me to Kat­te­lus farm!

The Kat­te­lus farm is loca­ted in Kar­ja­loh­ja, in wes­tern Uusi­maa, just an hour’s dri­ve from Hel­sin­ki. The farm is used for orga­nic arable far­ming and farm tou­rism. During the sum­mer, the farm is home to a lar­ge num­ber of lives­tock for the enjo­y­ment of cus­to­mers and the farm’s own people.

Kat­te­lus farm offers tra­ve­lers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend their holi­day in a cot­ta­ge with a beau­ti­ful count­ry­si­de view. The­re are two atmosp­he­ric res­tau­rant spaces for dif­fe­rent fami­ly celebra­tions. In the beach by the lake of Syvä­jär­vi the­re is a big smo­ke sau­na whe­re you can spend your eve­ning with friends.

Warm welco­me!

Our ser­vices


Kat­telus farm offers you three tra­di­tional Fin­nish sty­le cot­tages to choo­se from for your hol­i­day. They are ful­ly equip­ped with mod­ern appli­ances and clo­se to water each in their own pri­vacy. Dur­ing their stay some of our guests go trek­king and wan­der­ing in local forests, pick­ing ber­ries or mush­rooms or fish­ing — and some just relax and enjoy the peace of natu­re and the beau­ty of the coun­try­side. It’s all up to you.

Par­tic­u­larly in the sum­mer­time our yard is pop­u­lated with our pets, which espe­cially kids find qui­te inter­est­ing and fun to meet. Besi­des our reg­u­lar cats and dogs we have some sheep, rab­bits, hen, ponies and piglets. Our olden barn loft houses a nice play cor­ner for kids right next to our own museum. You might also want to check our local part­ners for more activ­i­ties dur­ing your visit.

If and when you go trek­king, you might want to climb on top of an olden cow pas­ture hill near­by. There’s a nice wide log cabin whe­re you can take a break by the fire and may­be enjoy it the tra­di­tional Fin­nish way — fry­ing some deli­cious sausa­ges for a snack. Our beau­ti­ful rus­tic wind­mill is anot­her sce­nic spot to wan­der to. Fur­ther, worth­while vis­it­ing and not that far away the­re are other attrac­tions such as Fis­kars and Bill­näs iron­works vil­lages, today occu­pied by most­ly artists and crafts­men as well as the Mus­tio cas­tle with its renow­ned gour­met restau­rant. Pick your choices and have a nice stay!


Tit­le Address Desc­rip­tion
Kat­te­lus 17, 10360 Mus­tio, FinlandKat­te­lus 17 10360 MUSTIO


Ter­hi Haa­ta­ja: 050 303 3625
Mik­ko Haa­ta­ja: 0400 017 289


For reser­va­tions by pho­ne, call Terhi!

Fol­low us