Dri­ving instruc­tions to Kat­telus farm and for the cabins

To the farm:

From Hel­sin­ki: Take the high­way 1 from Hel­sin­ki to Loh­ja. From Loh­ja exit, take a turn to high­way 25 towards Mus­tio. From Mus­tio take a turn to road 186 towards Salo. After 10 kilo­me­ters take a turn left to Kat­telus. Imme­di­ately after this take a new turn to right on this small road and you have reac­hed your destination.

From Tur­ku: Dri­ve from Tur­ku to Salo along the the high­way 1. From Salo take the road 186 towards Inkoo. About 3 km after the Kar­ja­loh­ja-​Fis­kars cross­road, turn right to Kat­telus. Imme­di­ately after this take a new turn to right on this small road and you have reac­hed your destination.

To the cabins:

Suu­tarin­nokka Take a turn to Kat­telus from road 186. Imme­di­ately after this turn to left and dri­ve about 1,2 kilo­me­ters and then turn left again to the road Ketunko­rpi. Dri­ve 200 meters onwards and turn left once more. Now dri­ve for­ward anot­her 400 meters and you’re there.

Mus­takallio Take a turn to Kat­telus from road 186. Imme­di­ately after this turn to left and dri­ve about 300 meters and then turn to your right to Ruo­nan­haka. Dri­ve 350 meters and turn left. After 150 meters you will arri­ve at cottage.

Sit­tala Take a turn to Kat­telus from road 186. Imme­di­ately after this turn to left and dri­ve about 300 meters and then turn to your right to Ruo­nan­haka. Dri­ve this road about 650 meters and you will arri­ve at cottage.


Tit­le Address Desc­rip­tion
Kat­te­lus 17, 10360 Mus­tio, FinlandKat­te­lus 17 10360 MUSTIO


Ter­hi Haa­ta­ja: 050 303 3625
Mik­ko Haa­ta­ja: 0400 017 289


For reser­va­tions by pho­ne, call Terhi!

Fol­low us