
Kat­telus farm is in the mid­dle of agri­cul­tural land­scape of Uusi­maa. The sur­round­ing natu­re is very rich in diver­sity. The­re are lots of fields and forests with small lakes and bod­ies of water here and the­re. The­re is also a lar­ge Loh­jan­järvi lake near­by. Wood­lands vary from dry pinewood forests to lush birch and hazel­nut gro­ves and marsh­lands. Even though the­re are no great big wilder­ness in the­se parts of Fin­land, you can eas­ily feel the magic of natu­re here!

The long tra­di­tion of agri­cul­ture has left its marks on the land­scape, nat­u­rally. The influence of agricul­tu­re is clear­ly visible in the natu­ral envi­ron­ment of Kat­te­lus farm. The calca­reous Ruo­nan­ha­ka roc­ky mea­dow in the cent­re of the farm is the result of hundreds of years of con­ti­nuo­us grazing and is a valuable tra­di­tio­nal bio­to­pe in the area.


Tit­le Address Desc­rip­tion
Kat­te­lus 17, 10360 Mus­tio, FinlandKat­te­lus 17 10360 MUSTIO


Ter­hi Haa­ta­ja: 050 303 3625
Mik­ko Haa­ta­ja: 0400 017 289

For reser­va­tions by pho­ne, call Terhi!

Fol­low us