
With its 70 hec­ta­res of field, Kat­telus farm is a medium-​sized mod­ern Fin­nish farm. Towards the mid-​ni­ne­ties we have trans­ferred all our farm­ing to orga­nic. Nowa­days the pro­duc­tion con­sists most­ly of orga­nic grain and oil plants and some grass feed for animals.

We strongly belie­ve in the futu­re of orga­nic farm­ing and thus keep on devel­op­ing and study­ing it ever fur­ther. Food pro­duc­tion is such a vital part of our farm­ing that we eager­ly demon­strate our pro­duc­tion meth­ods to tho­se inter­ested. So if you wish to learn about mod­ern farm­ing in action, we are hap­py to show off. Oft­times there’s good a chance to see a big trac­tor on the field, may­be even have a ride!

Our ani­mal farm­ing at pro­duc­tion level cea­sed in the late nine­ties, but we still have some on the farm as always. Our hor­ses and rab­bits are around here all year, and in the sum­mer­time some sheep and cat­tle also pas­ture on our fields or yards. And of cour­se there’s the reg­u­lar cat and dog of the house.

Farms have always tra­di­tio­nal­ly had good vege­table gar­dens and the Kat­te­lus farm is no excep­tion. In the ear­ly 2020s, the farm also comple­ted a fair-sized green­house, whe­re toma­toes, cucum­bers, auber­gi­nes and the more exo­tic peac­hes and gra­pes are grown. Visi­tors have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get their hands in the soil and help with the gar­de­ning if they are so incli­ned! In return, you can get fresh­ly pic­ked pota­toes and a bunch of dill, for example. Or fresh rasp­ber­ries in rasp­ber­ry sea­son and red-chee­ked apples in autumn.

The gar­den and its care are impor­tant issues on the Kat­te­lus farm anyway. Par­ticu­lar atten­tion is paid to the bio­di­ver­si­ty of the gar­den by mana­ging it accor­ding to the principles of cont­rol­led no-til­la­ge. The farm par­tici­pa­tes in the annual Open Gar­dens event, whe­re the green­house and the sur­roun­ding gar­den can be visi­ted by any­one interested.


Tit­le Address Desc­rip­tion
Kat­te­lus 17, 10360 Mus­tio, FinlandKat­te­lus 17 10360 MUSTIO


Ter­hi Haa­ta­ja: 050 303 3625
Mik­ko Haa­ta­ja: 0400 017 289

For reser­va­tions by pho­ne, call Terhi!

Fol­low us